Board and trains are a custom program to fit any dog and owner. During the board and train the dog stays with the trainer for the duration of the training. The owner drops the dog off for training. The trainer will bring the dog home for the go home lesson. The owner will receive a video of some of the training that was done. Included in the board and train is 1 free follow up lesson to ensure the training is progressing. Depending on your needs we will set up a custom behavior and training plan. Below is the price list for board and trains these are general prices but can vary depending on the situation. The standard board & trains are for dogs who do not have any reactivity or aggression towards people or animals. If the dog is reactive towards other animals there is a 3 week minimum. If the dog is aggressive towards humans or has a bite record there is a 3 week minimum and and additional cost.
1 Week Board & Train (No reactivity or aggression) - $1000
3 Week Board & Train (No reactivity or aggression) - $2500
3 Week Board & Train Reactivity (no bite record) - $3000
3 Week Board & Train (has a human bite record or human aggression) - $5000